Tailored Talent Acquisition

Stop Staffing To Fit A Role.
 Staff For A Team Fit.

Go beyond  traditional recruitment.



of failed recruitments are due to soft skills.




of talents leave their job

because of a profile-manager mismatch.




of job success comes from soft skills


Different situations need different types of Designers to step in.

& Executives

Elevate your team with elite design leaders and visionary executives. We specialize in finding the brightest stars in the design galaxy to lead your creative forces.


We meticulously select and deploy exceptional individual contributors, each a design virtuoso in their own right, to fortify your creative ranks.


Our talent curation extends to nurturing and refining your team's skills, with expert trainers and coaches who ignite creativity and drive excellence in shadow.

Our secret weapon

From juniors to strategic executives & creative visionaries, we unearth design gems across the spectrum.

Product Design | Brand Design | DesignOps | UX Writing | User Research | Design Strategy | System Design


Head Of


Chief Design Officer




Principal Designer


We approach talent compatibility 
by matching designers
 not only to the job but to the team.

Find Your Next Team Member
Asset #1

A bunch of contract options

We redefine design staffing by offering meticulously tailored talent solutions across a spectrum of contract types ensuring the right fit for every project's duration and complexity:

  • Fractional design leaders
  • Staffing senior freelancers
  • Hiring permanent designers
Asset #2

Balanced blend of hard & soft skills

Our unique evaluation process delves deep into the essence of what makes a design team thrive: a balanced blend of hard skills, soft skills, and the creative prowess of “mad skills”.
We understand that this combination is what spark innovation.

Asset #3

Team compatibility matching

We offer a standout service that not just matches skills to jobs but personalities to teammates and critically, to the direct manager.

That way we ensure seamless integration into teams and enhancing project success through improved interpersonal dynamics.

Asset #4

Swift hiring

We host 5 lodges of experts within our community representing specific fields of design (Head of Design, System Design, Ops, Research & Product).

Benefit from our large pool of Designers from every discipline so you can onboard your new Talent within a few days.

Why trust us

with our talent recruitment?

How about a partner that understand the specific needs of design teams?

We are designers ourselves, so... that looks like a match 🫶.
Anticipation of change

As we maintain a trust-based relationship we can identify business developments, upcoming projects, or industry trends that could affect your talent requirements. Whether it's scaling your team, or deploy brand new expertises, with the knowledge we have of your organization, we can suggest matching profiles before you even start actively looking.

Complete mapping of candidate's personality

We highlight unique talents or specialties that set individuals apart.

We detect innovative thinking: evidence of pushing boundaries and exploring new approaches.

We get their passion projects: involvement in personal projects showcasing creativity & dedication.

Valuable, detailed & custom feedback

We  analyze talent personality with our advanced behavioral science tools to identify a person’s natural talents, interests and abilities.

We write a detailed report including data, in-depth analysis, scoring, statistics…

We share recommendations about how to work with the candidate.

Get In Touch
"As far as your support for Dovetail is concerned, I found it to be top quality and we clearly feel more at ease today. You and I suffered from the instability of the team between the launch of the project and today, but in the end we've got something good. A good 4 out of 5 stars"
François Meunier
Head of User Research @ Canal +
"Designshot offers a warm welcome and a fast, targeted approach but also relaxed but straight to the point interviews. We were able to find "The" designer as soon as the second profile was submitted. I liked the human approach to communication, the company's strong values, the refined processes, the real specialists! Competitors tend to be 'pushy', but here you can have an intelligent, human discussion, you know you're dealing with passionate people. "
Romain Ricordel
Product Designer @ Veepee
golden wax seal representing a mouse pointer with an eye. Around it a text read "Designshot Certified Talent"

 Designshot’s label serves as a quality insurance for companies seeking
 smashing design talent.

Get In Touch


years of experience.


evolving  pools of Talents

in our Society.


successfully recruited Designers.

Meet the ones who shall find 
the One for you.

Axel Johnston

Executive Talent Acquisition

Lisa Misiaszek

Executive Talent Acquisition

Kelly Boreh

Senior Talent Acquisition

We select the perfect match
 for your organization 
using rituals we can’t disclose.

Or can we ? 🤔

Find Your Next Team Member
1. Leadership IQ
2. DDI (Development Dimensions International)
3. Harvard University